Qi provides in-house custom developments in accordance to its customers’ needs, from the small and simple to the more complex industry specific
Qi offers a range of Qi Microsoft apps available for subscription with Dynamics 365 Business Central, such as Qi Stock Track, Qi Job Track and QiCourier. We also develop custom apps to ensure any highly specific needs are met using Microsoft extensions technology, Power Apps and Power BI
A meeting of minds and a deep understanding of what our customers seek to achieve with a project is a key starting point for any application development. An open and accessible line of communication is the very best tool to develop that deep understanding.
Our developments are authored by in house Qi developers, using standard technologies and are tightly quality controlled. Our skilled developers follow our internal process for planning and coding your development which results in quality output, delivered on time and on budget.
Our developments range from the small and simple (albeit specific) to those much larger developed solutions necessary in some verticals that continue to develop with industry needs over time.
The scope of our development projects has extended right from the initial process analysis and re-engineering, through technology selection and system architecture options; to detailed design and hardware/network and other component specification.
We support all our applications for the long term. Whilst you will often speak to your key software developer for technical support, Qi's infrastructure ensures that there is successive and sustainable resource across our entire support team.
(Please note we do not undertake any new developments in Access)
Every development is provided with QiCover. QiCover support not only provides you with the telephone and remote support you would expect but also ensures any Microsoft extensions or Access programmes in use are tested prior to software updates.
"I have been working with Qi for many years. I trust their advice as they have spent time understanding my business. I would never hesitate to recommend them!"
Adie Cleaver, Cleaver Scientific